Curriculum, Instruction, & Accountability

5 Competency-Based Education
4 Standards-Referenced Reporting
3 Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum
2 Effective Teaching in Every Classroom
1 Safe, Supportive, and Collaborative Culture
The Hayden School District has partnered with Marzano Resources to strategically improve our school in five areas in order to become what is known as a High-Reliability School.
The Marzano High-Reliability Schools™ (HRS) framework serves as a strategic planning framework to help schools focus on specific, research-based conditions for continuous school improvement.
In order to be certified as a High-Reliability School, certification in the following five areas needs to be completed:
Level 1: Safe, Supportive, and Collaborative Culture
Explore specific strategies for shared decision making and developing collaborative processes that clarify the work of teacher teams and help schools operate as a cohesive network of teams clearly focused on curriculum, instruction, assessment, and achievement for all students.
Hayden Valley Elementary School was certified as a Level 1 High-Reliability School in February 2021.
Level 2: Effective Teaching in Every Classroom
Learn the concept of establishing a district- or schoolwide model of instructional practice and how it can be used to create a culture of pedagogical growth for all teachers.
Level 3: Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum
Understand the concept and processes for establishing a guaranteed and viable curriculum, which includes establishing a district- or schoolwide comprehensive vocabulary program.
Level 4: Standards-Referenced Reporting
Understand critical aspects and strategies for implementing a standards-referenced grading and reporting system in your district or school.
Level 5: Competency-Based Education
Learn specific aspects of competency-based education and review strategic initiatives schools should consider for implementing competency-based education.